Keywords |
  • Sustainable development

Green and blue framework

The green and blue framework is a measure of the Grenelle Environment Agreement to curb the decline of biodiversity. This measure consists in preserving and restoring ecological continuities in an operational network, on land (green framework) and in the aquatic environment (blue framework).

What is the green and blue framework?

This framework is a planning tool that must guarantee ecological communication between large natural areas using three approaches:

This connectivity must be created on all levels, from the banks of a local river to large, pan-European migration corridors.

Objective of the green and blue framework: to protect biodiversity

The green and blue framework must be materialised by the identification of major, territorial issues for biodiversity and the landscape, analysis of ecological processes and implementation of measures to combat habitat fragmentation.

In terms of planning, the green and blue framework must be included in:

  • regional cartography;
  • different planning documents and zoning programmes (e.g. urban master plan, PLU);
  • cooperation with neighbouring countries.

The green and blue framework aims to protect biodiversity. Here, the Grand Lyon green framework. © Lyon Urban community The green and blue framework aims to protect biodiversity. Here, the Grand Lyon green framework. © Lyon Urban community

Green and blue framework - 1 Photo



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