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Full hybrid

Hybrid vehicles include:

Principle of the full hybrid vehicle

A full hybrid vehicle is a completely hybrid vehicle: two engines use different types of energy, most often fuel and electricity, for locomotion.

These two engines can function separately or together, depending on speed, power and energy reserves.

At low speeds and when the battery is charged, the electric motor powers start-up and locomotion. At high speeds, or when the battery is flat, the internal combustion engine takes over. When there is a need for increased power for acceleration, the two engines operate together.

The rechargeable full hybrid

The term hybrid vehicle is commonly used when referring to full hybrids, such as the Toyota Prius.

One variation of the full hybrid is the rechargeable hybrid vehicle, which has a plug for recharging the battery independent of the operation of the internal combustion engine.

Rechargeable full hybrid vehicle with a flex-fuel internal combustion engine. © Steve Jurvetson CC by 2.0 Rechargeable full hybrid vehicle with a flex-fuel internal combustion engine. © Steve Jurvetson CC by 2.0

Full hybrid - 1 Photo



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