Keywords |
  • Palaeontology,
  • Zoology


Ampelosaurus is a French sauropod dinosaur discovered near Espéraza (Aude). Many bone fragments were uncovered, notably the almost complete skeleton of a juvenile baptised "Eva", discovered in 2000. An adult Ampelosaurus would have measured between 15 and 18 metres long maximum, from its head to the tip of its tail. A French cousin of the Diplodocus, the Ampelosaurus was smaller and did not belong to the same group as it was a Titanosaurus and lived much more recently, towards the end of the dinosaur era in the upper Cretaceous.

On its back the Ampelosaurus had many bony plates, in the shape of spines that could perhaps have been part of its ornamentation.

Reconstruction of an encounter between the two large French dinosaurs of the Maastrichtian: Ampelosaurus and Tarascosaurus. © Alain Bénéteau

Reconstruction of an encounter between the two large French dinosaurs of the Maastrichtian: Ampelosaurus and Tarascosaurus. © Alain Bénéteau


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