Keywords |
  • Oceanography,
  • Sustainable development

Barcelona Convention

Signed in 1976, the purpose of the Convention for Protection against Pollution in the Mediterranean Sea, or Barcelona Convention, is to protect and improve the marine environment in the Mediterranean Sea, as well as contributing to its sustainable development.

Pollution monitored by the convention

This convention requires its members to pay particular attention to:

The Barcelona Convention regulations

Amended by many protocols, the convention, amongst other things, prohibits all incineration at sea and makes provisions for international cooperation mechanisms in the event of a critical situation and massive hydrocarbon or chemical pollution. This cooperation focuses on prevention, monitoring, emergency interventions and restoration of the marine and coastal environment.

The Barcelona Convention also addresses the conservation of biodiversity in the Mediterranean, through protection measures and the creation of protected marine areas.

Member countries of the Barcelona Convention. © Padraic Ryan, Wikimedia CC -by-sa 3.0 Member countries of the Barcelona Convention. © Padraic Ryan, Wikimedia CC -by-sa 3.0

Barcelona Convention - 1 Photo



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