Keywords |
  • Medical Science

Thoracic vertebra

The thoracic (dorsal) vertebrae form the top of the back.

Location of the thoracic vertebrae

The thoracic vertebrae are at the top of the back between the last cervical vertebra and the first lumbar vertebra. They form the thoracic spine which supports the ribs.

Structure of the thoracic vertebrae

There are twelve thoracic vertebrae (T1 to T12 or D1 to D12). They form a posterior curve.

Function of the thoracic vertebrae

The thoracic vertebrae support the ribs. The joints of the thoracic vertebrae are limited, also restricting movements of the related part of the body.

The thoracic vertebrae support the ribs. © Uwe Gille, Wikimedia, public domain

The thoracic vertebrae support the ribs. © Uwe Gille, Wikimedia, public domain



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