Keywords |
  • Medical Science


The glinides are oral treatments used to treat type 2 diabetes. These antidiabetic agents belong to the insulin secretagogue family.

How do the glinides work?

The glinides have the same mechanism of action as the diabetic sulphonylureas (SU). They also stimulate insulin secretion by the beta cells in the pancreatic islets of Langerhans. What is the difference? They have a shorter duration of action. For this reason, specialists also call them short-acting insulin secretagogues. They are very rapidly absorbed by the gastro-intestinal mucosa.

Do they have contraindications or precautions?

Like the SU, the glinides can promote weight gain. On the other hand they appear to carry a lesser risk of hypoglycaemia. They are contraindicated in renal impairment, hepatic impairment and in pregnancy.

Source: Merck Manual – 4th edition

The glinides have a shorter duration of action than the diabetic sulphonylureas. © Phovoir The glinides have a shorter duration of action than the diabetic sulphonylureas. © Phovoir

Glinide - 1 Photo


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