Keywords |
  • Computer Science


A time-lapse is a video animation made by taking a series of photographs at different times in order to show in a short time how the photographed object has evolved over a long period of time. It can for example be used to show the opening of a flower, the movement of the Sun or stars in the sky, or even the building of a house. The final file is in the form of a video or in animated Gif format.

Time-lapse in cinematography

In cinematography, the process consists in filming at a lower speed, i.e. with a smaller number of images per second than will be used in projection. To the viewer the film appears to be accelerated.

A time-lapse animation showing the hatching of frog's eggs in a Gif type file. © Mnolf/ Licence Creative Commons A time-lapse animation showing the hatching of frog's eggs in a Gif type file. © Mnolf/ Licence Creative Commons



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