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  • Botany


The artichoke is a summer vegetable, a perfect ally for weight loss diets.

Artichoke season

Spring marks the beginning of the artichokeseason. Until autumn, this vegetable, known for its health benefits, takes its place on fresh fruit and vegetable stalls. Eaten raw or cooked to taste, it is also a component of seasonal diets.

Nutritional value of artichokes

Theartichoke is a vegetable known for its diuretic properties, favouring the elimination of toxins and beneficial to intestinal transit. Its non-negligible potassium (385 milligrammes per 100 grammes) and fibre (2 grammes per 100 grammes) content also make it a ingredient in weight-loss diets. But take care, although its carbohydrates make it an energy food, it should not be eaten to excess. Eaten in too large quantities artichokes can cause bloating and intestinal discomfort.

Artichoke varieties

The most commonly eaten varieties of artichokes are the " Bretons" and the " violet artichokes". Breton artichokes are particularly large and round, while violet artichokes are much smaller. Choosing between the two varieties simply depends on how you want to eat them. For stuffed or steamed artichokes it is best to choose the varieties from Brittany. On the other hand, violet artichokes can be eaten raw with a vinaigrette sauce.

Choosing and storing artichokes

The artichoke is a vegetable that oxidises very quickly and does not keep for more than two days. Once purchased, it is best to eat the artichoke quickly, otherwise black splotches will appear on its leaves. In the store make sure that the artichokes are as fresh as possible. To this end, choose heavy artichokes with snugly closed leaves.

Artichokes can be eaten raw or cooked. © DR Artichokes can be eaten raw or cooked. © DR

Artichoke - 1 Photo



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